Switchboard Upgrades
Why Upgrade?
Your electrical switchboard is the heart of the home and unfortunately many home owners fail to keep it up to current standards.
An outdated switchboard can be the cause of nuisance tripping/overload, house fires and electrocution, an old switchboard may also contain asbestos which can be dangerous to everyone in the household especially if the switchboard pre dates the 90s.
Once an electrician upgrades your switchboard, you can rest easy knowing that your home is protected completely by safety switches (RCBOS) which not only protect you from electrocution but also protect the cabling in your home from overload.
How do I know if my switch board needs upgrading?
Much like the image to the right your switchboard may have many indicators that it is due for an upgrade such as containing the old porcelain fuses, asbestos, old analogue meters, one large overloaded safety device protecting over three circuits and old service fuses (black larger fuses). All of these things can contribute to a higher likelihood of electrocution or house fire.